Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Final model in Crysis

Link to SketchUp model:

Link to Object folder:
Link to Level folder:

Note: If terrain does not show up in Sandbox, try set Configure Spec in high
The bridge

Lady Gaga's office

The client is very influential as she produces innovative (although controversial) designs and she represent the young generation who struggle to find place in this society. Lady Gaga uses her fame to communicate to us of her trends and style. Eventhough, her ideal style receives criticism but she takes this opportunity to express herself to the fullest. She is powerful due to her influence over the younger generations.

Lady Gaga's office will represent her energetic, rebelious and expressive being. The design incoperates various spikes mounted on surface of sphere. The spikes extending out to all directions seem to personifies the office as the client herself, whom extends her influence and control all over the place. This crazy disperse of spikes portray Lady Gaga's unique style, her thirst to spread her style and control the trends. The design incoperated burst of light from the inside of the sphere as an energetic (dynamic) theme because the client is quite outspoken and outgoing with a desire to show herself to the world. The office has a glass exterior to express Lady Gaga's openess as she would like to be observed by the world while she observe the world. The office situates on top of the mountain range since a higher position gives emphasise to the office and evoke a sense of power and control over thelandscape

Johnathen Ive's office
Johnathan is renowned for his simple and honest design which show the beauty of the building material without excess of ornaments. Compare to Lady Gaga, Johnathen's deisgns are well received by the publis. The client is powerful as he is a leader of trends and style that influences the way we live our lives. Johnathen keeps a low-profile and unlike Lady Gaga, his influence is less publicised and less obvious to us. Hence his office would be more suttle and natural. The client's respect to material truth and nature should form the basis of the design.

The office is designed in organic shape with no harsh edges to embody the concept of nature. Different to Lady Gaga's office, Ive's office ia quite bare with no ornaments. From his design principles, this office shows the beauty of the materiality-glass. Ive's office is situated lower and hides in between mountains since the client is much more reserved. His office is less emphasised and obvious as Ive would want to observe the world without being observed.

Meeting Place

Lady Gaga's elevator
Lady Gaga's elevator is rendered with a more dynamic texture and vibrant colour, as the client is more energetic and would want to be noticed. The elevator's lower part is recognisable as a crown- to symbolise the power of Lady Gaga.

Short Keys for elevator:
Press L- go to position
Press P- rise
Press N- returns to starting point
Jonathan's elevator
Jonathan's elevator follows the principle of simplicity and honesty. The simple organic shape merges into its environment and is very suttle.

Short keys for elevator:

Press J- go to set position
Press Y- rises
Press U- returns to starting point.

Draft Crysis Landscape

The lanscape is based on the kings Canyon of Carlifornia. I begined by using a different software-GeoControl which is more effective at modifying terrains. Then I imported the heightmap into Crysis to apply texture.


36 Textures


Monday, April 25, 2011

36 Custom Textures

3 Experiments

Electroliquid Aggregation: "Nature designed by God cannot be broken down into pieces as the scientific method of analysis are flawed but not the power of nature"

The model shows a set of cubes surround an antity. The layers of cubes around the antity forms a invinsible barrier that forbids the antity to break through. When inside the antity, this creats pressure to thr beholder and arouse repressed feelings. This feeling signifies the stress when it comes to scientifically analysing natural event, since our systematic method designed my man is flawed whereas nature designed by God is flawless. The sense of pressure shown by the model signifies minute importance of science compared to God's power.

Electroliqid Aggregation: "The natural unconciouss mind can be analysed by breaking down using systematic methods."

The prisms are aligned perpendicular to each other creating a complex geometry which signifies the complicated nature of the human unconscious. The prisms cross over each other and the common surface they touches are like the similarities in everyone's dreams. The Id, Ego and Super-Ego are incorperated in the design to demonstrate the break-down of the human conscious into parts. (see model 3 explaination)

Electroliquid Aggregation: "In this universe, there is an invisible force acting on a body in every entity including human".

The model consists of two parts; the Newton laboratory incorporate an anti-gravity design. The column seem to hang in the air which evoke an insecure sense of falling, this reminds the beholder of the existence of gravity. The Newton laboratory emphasise on vertical lines to being significance to the structure's height. The height is highlighted and this reminds us of an invisible force-gravity acting on the column making it fall. The other part of the design is the Freud laboratory. This part consists of mainly prisms aligned prependicular to each other creating a sense of complication. The complication resonates with the complication of the Human uncoonscious mind-an invisible force governing our emotions.
