Monday, April 25, 2011

3 Experiments

Electroliquid Aggregation: "Nature designed by God cannot be broken down into pieces as the scientific method of analysis are flawed but not the power of nature"

The model shows a set of cubes surround an antity. The layers of cubes around the antity forms a invinsible barrier that forbids the antity to break through. When inside the antity, this creats pressure to thr beholder and arouse repressed feelings. This feeling signifies the stress when it comes to scientifically analysing natural event, since our systematic method designed my man is flawed whereas nature designed by God is flawless. The sense of pressure shown by the model signifies minute importance of science compared to God's power.

Electroliqid Aggregation: "The natural unconciouss mind can be analysed by breaking down using systematic methods."

The prisms are aligned perpendicular to each other creating a complex geometry which signifies the complicated nature of the human unconscious. The prisms cross over each other and the common surface they touches are like the similarities in everyone's dreams. The Id, Ego and Super-Ego are incorperated in the design to demonstrate the break-down of the human conscious into parts. (see model 3 explaination)

Electroliquid Aggregation: "In this universe, there is an invisible force acting on a body in every entity including human".

The model consists of two parts; the Newton laboratory incorporate an anti-gravity design. The column seem to hang in the air which evoke an insecure sense of falling, this reminds the beholder of the existence of gravity. The Newton laboratory emphasise on vertical lines to being significance to the structure's height. The height is highlighted and this reminds us of an invisible force-gravity acting on the column making it fall. The other part of the design is the Freud laboratory. This part consists of mainly prisms aligned prependicular to each other creating a sense of complication. The complication resonates with the complication of the Human uncoonscious mind-an invisible force governing our emotions.

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